The Look by Sophia Bennett

The LookSynopsis from Goodreads.comTed doesn’t think of herself as glamorous. But her gorgeous sister Ava is. So when it’s Ted who spotted by a model agency, at the same time that Ava is diagnosed with cancer, things have clearly gone very wrong. Ted isn’t interested in modelling but Ava wants her to give it a try. Just how far will Ted go to please her sister? And what sacrifices will she have to make?

Number of pages: 328
Publication Date: March 1, 2013
My review: I love books that deal with fashion, modeling, etc. and pairing that with something as deeply personal and heart-wrenching as cancer, makes for a really fantastic book. Plus the setting was London! How could it get any better than that? Well, trust me it was all that and so much more.
Ted’s insecurity about modelling is actually quite adorable, in the way that she believes she doesn’t have what it takes to make it, and her sisters encouragement shows just how loyal the sisters are even in times of hardship. From the very beginning Ava supported Ted, but I still loved seeing how their relationship grew and expanded even more as the story continued on.
I found at times, that it got a bit slow, but the ending totally made up for it because it was everything I had hoped for and more. I didn’t realize how much this story would touch me, to be honest. I thought it would mainly focus on Ted modelling and more about the fashions and designers, but it had so much more depth than that. Ted and Ava and their parents feel like such real characters and are truly an inspiration to anyone who has the ability to read this wonderful book.
This is one of those books that will stick with me for awhile, and I think I’ll often look back on it and think about what Ted and Ava would do in certain situations. Truly, they are a pair of the most kind-hearted girls I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. Definitely worth checking out!
See you soon!

P.S. Thank you to NetGalley for approving my request for this book!

2 thoughts on “The Look by Sophia Bennett

  1. I read this back in October and really enjoyed it. Your review has really done it justice and I completely agree with all of your points. I loved Ava and Ted so much and also thought they were very kind-hearted.

    New follower over here! I really love your blog and will definitely be stopping by more! 🙂


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